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10 Creative Ideas to Make Your Instagram Stories Stand Out

Author: Dylan Laurent

Publication date: 18.06.2024

In today's digital age, Instagram Stories have become a cornerstone of social media marketing. With over 500 million users engaging with Stories daily, it's an excellent tool to boost engagement, sharing content and connect with your audience on a more personal level. Stories offer a dynamic and interactive way to showcase your brand, products, and personality.

Use of Interactive Stickers

Interactive stickers like polls, questions, and quizzes are fantastic for engaging followers. They not only make your Stories more fun but also encourage audience participation.


  • Polls: Ask your followers to choose between two product options.

  • Questions: Invite your audience to ask you anything or share their opinions.

  • Quizzes: Create fun quizzes related to your brand or industry.

Use of Interactive Stickers

Interactive stickers like polls, questions, and quizzes are fantastic for engaging followers. They not only make your Stories more fun but also encourage audience participation.


  • Polls: Ask your followers to choose between two product options.

  • Questions: Invite your audience to ask you anything or share their opinions.

  • Quizzes: Create fun quizzes related to your brand or industry.

User-Generated Content

Encouraging followers to share their own content featuring your products can be incredibly effective. Reposting this content not only shows appreciation but also acts as a powerful testimonial.


  • Create a branded hashtag for your followers to use.

  • Regularly repost user-generated content and give credit.

Tutorials and How-To Guides

Step-by-step guides can be very helpful for your audience. They can be presented in various creative ways, such as fast-motion videos or bullet-point lists.


  • Show how to use a new product.

  • Provide tips and tricks related to your industry.

Countdowns and Teasers

Using the countdown sticker for product launches, events, or special announcements is a great way to build excitement and anticipation among your audience.


  • Countdown to a new product release.

  • Tease upcoming events or collaborations

Exclusive Offers and Discounts

Share limited-time offers or discount codes via Stories to create a sense of urgency. This strategy can drive immediate action from your audience.


  • Use the countdown sticker to emphasize the limited time.

  • Highlight the exclusivity of the offer to encourage quick action

Story Takeovers

Allowing influencers, team members, or fans to take over your Stories for a day can introduce new perspectives and content styles.


  • Collaborate with influencers relevant to your brand.

  • Let team members or loyal customers share their experiences.

 User Polls and Feedback

Using the poll and slider stickers to gather feedback on products or ideas engages your followers in decision-making processes.


  • Ask for opinions on new product features.

  • Use sliders to gauge interest in different topics or products

Creative Use of Filters and Effects

Highlighting the latest Instagram filters and effects can enhance your Stories. AR effects and other creative tools make Stories more visually appealing.


  • Experiment with new filters and effects regularly.

  • Use effects that align with your brand's aesthetic.

Consistency in Branding

Maintaining a consistent look and feel with your brand colors, fonts, and style across your Stories helps in building brand recognition.


  • Use your brand's color palette in all Stories.

  • Stick to a consistent font and style for text.

 Highlighting Customer Testimonials

Sharing positive reviews and testimonials in your Stories is a powerful way to build trust and credibility.


  • Format testimonials attractively with clear text and images.

  • Share video testimonials for added authenticity.

Interactive Story Series

Creating a series of interconnected Stories that tell a bigger narrative can keep your audience hooked.


  • Plan the series in advance.

  • Use a mix of video, images, and text to keep it engaging.

 Analytics and Optimization

Using Instagram Insights to track the performance of your Stories is crucial. Optimize your content based on engagement metrics to improve future Stories.


  • Monitor which types of Stories get the most engagement.

  • Adjust your strategy based on what works best.


Creative Instagram Stories can significantly boost your engagement and help you connect with your audience more effectively. Experiment with different ideas and track what resonates most with your followers. The more you innovate, the more your Stories will stand out in a crowded social media landscape.

It’s also a way to touch new targets like the teens who have a strong presence on networks and are attracted by this type of content.  What's more, creating content on the networks allows a company to strengthen its credibility on the IT front, which can become an advantage if it exploits this opportunity properly.


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