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Education and Social Media

Updated: Apr 17

Publication date: 11.04.2024

Who are the digital natives? Young children born into today's world are already familiar with new platforms, can recognize icons, and already know how to "scroll" through videos, photos, and posts.

Many parents proudly display this attitude of their children who already know how to click their little finger on the youtube icon because they want to watch a cartoon, or that they already know how to open the phone camera. Surely one must remember that these are not the reasons to be proud of one's children's progress because these behaviors can result in something more dangerous.

Before now we did not talk so much about the social world and its influence on adults and especially on young people, instead since 2020 with the outbreak of the pandemic being "forced" to stay at home,  our only friends were just them, social networks.  Hours and hours scrolling on tik tok, Instagram and facebook, hours and hours sitting on the couch watching some program or the new TV series on Netflix.

How has it affected young people?

The number of young teens who needed psychological support tripled as did the requests in counseling or support centers.

The negative effects of this moment emerged after months or years, many children and young teens manifested severe difficulties, addictions or obsessive behaviors. There were among them those who were afraid to leave home, those who wanted to take refuge in the world of video games, or those who had zeroed out their relationships with the outside world.

Each of them had created their own bubble of tranquility, and this reality, in addition to being unhealthy, had created people who had attitudes that were harmful to themselves.

Many parents did not think about the terrible consequence in letting their child play for hours on end, contenting him or her, they removed him or her from the outside world without assessing that these bad habits could result in addiction.

The same thing has happened to many young girls who having complete freedom to browse , have started imitating young influencers, in some cases accomplishing "What i eat in a day" "Get ready with me," so popular on Instagram and Tik Tok.

The Benefits

One of the benefits they offer us is: feeling part of a group and having the opportunity to meet people with the same interests as us. In short, they shorten distances and make it easy to interact with those on the other side of the screen.

They are strong tools for raising awareness of important issues in recent years there has been a tripling of videos, posts, or publicity campaigns regarding issues such as bullying, domestic violence, or for example, drug use.

So, we have in our hands a strong reporting tool that certainly over the years has brought important issues to the forefront.

The svantages

Not controlling or moderating time spent on platforms can have negative effects, and the numbers of mental and anxiety disorders, which exploded after covid, are telling.

What are the symptoms and how to recognize them.

Abuse of these platforms alters sleep, makes one restless and stressed, a kind of addiction develops that leads to having to look at statuses many times or update the "home." If you prohibit them from using these tools, the reactions could be strong and result in physical violence.

Another disorder that can lead is that of attention-deficit/hyperactivity disorder.  Those who spend 6/7 hours on video games incorporate virtual reality and adrenaline into real life as well, failing to slow down the pace or adjust it. In these cases, a strong help is given by sports precisely because the feeling of "tiredness" helps control emotions.


It is very important to use electronic tools and social media in moderation, that is, by controlling and regulating their use. Obviously if we hand a child an Ipad or a phone they do not know when it is time to say "stop." Therefore, parents must educate on the use of social media, they must control their searches so that their use can only lead to positive effects.

The positive effects can be many; they can help facilitate study, stimulate creativity and satisfy curiosity, while safeguarding a parent's energy.

So it can be an incredible tool for everyone, young and young at heart, but only if used in the right way.

Be careful and have caution!


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