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Essential Business Development Skills Every Freelancer Needs to Build a Successful Career

Author: Mert Erol

Publication date: 04.10.2024

   In our dynamic and improving world, traditional working style started staying in second plan. People want to have their own business and work in a flexible and relax system, but everyone who wants to be freelancer may not have a successful career because for a successful career in freelance you have to have some essential skills. Because, in freelance world, freelancers can encounter with a lot of troubles. For example, by developing digital technology number of freelancers are increasing and, they have to be competitive in this world. Another trouble is about unstable incomes and, freelancers have to be ready for it. For all troubles, they have to have essential skills for sustainable job. Here are some essential skills for freelancers who want to have successful career.



Self Confidence and Motivation:

Self-confidence and motivation provides stability and sustainability. If freelancers have self-confidence and motivation, they can find bravery in themselves to handle uncertainties, sudden crises and other troubles. If someone who wants to be a freelancer, firstly, it has to have self-confidence and motivation so every though situations can handle with it.

Knowledge About Market or Industry:

Freelancers must have knowledge about their market or industry. They must know the market’s dynamics, and they must act according to requirements of their market or industry. For these things, they can join events, they can expand their network in industry, they can use beneficial tools to follow the industry etc. If they do not do these things, they can not have information about industry and, they can not be competitive in market.

Adaptability and Flexibility:

In the market, there may be difficult times and conditions may change suddenly. For example, a freelancer sells a product so much and that product is very popular in the market and that freelancer bought so much that product and all of them are in warehouse but, after a short time that product lost its popularity in the market and, freelancer is face to face with this trouble., if they do not adapt their businesses to new conditions they can not be permanent in market.


Creativity is a special skill that everyone does not have it. In clients’ requests and difficulties, for being in top of the market and, for being a unique brand in the market, freelancers must handle and solve them quickly by using their creativity skills. In the other hand, they can use their creativity for new business ideas so they can gain big opportunities to expand their jobs. Thus, they can be permanent and stable in the market.

Stress and Risk Management:

Everyone may not have stress and risk management skill, but if freelancers want to have a successful career they must have it, and they should use it truly. In though situations, freelancers must know how to manage risk and stress truly way if they do not know it, they can down and lose their clients and opportunities. They can buy services to help them for minimizing risks and stresses, or they can keep a fund for bad days and, when it comes, they may use it for handling risk and stress. Increasing variety of clients is another good way to manage the risk and stress so they can not affect so much in any sudden client losings.


In society, communication with other people and meeting with them is a perfect way to expand network and communication with stuff and clients is also very important because if freelancers make a good communication with them, it will be good for their benefit hereby freelancers who have a big network will have a big opportunity to make big works. For those things, freelancers must ask themselves that how to keep our clients for long time in our organization, how to improve negotiations of agreement and how to contact with clients and serve their happiness.

Financial Management:

Financial part of a business is very important, and it is like a heart of business. Freelancers can buy a service from out in this point if they handle it alone, so they can find a good opportunity for managing financial part with professional advices. Thus, they can make a better budgeting and, manage irregular incomes better. After all these, it would be good for them to make a fund for their retirement and their tax payments.

Time Management:

In our dynamic and improving world, we can say that time is money and everyone does not have a minute to lose. If freelancers want to have a successful career, they have to use their time effectively. In this point, there are many techniques to save time and manage works on time. For example, kanban technique, pomodoro technique or matrix of Eisenhower. Freelancers may research these techniques and which one is good for them so they can start to apply it in their life for more efficiency in their businesses.


In conclusion, we talked about essential skills for freelancers that want to have successful career and these skills are interconnected to each other. Without self-confidence and motivation, a freelancer can not build a career. Firstly, they need self-confidence and motivation for their businesses. After that, they have to have knowledge about their market so they can act safely in market. After, time and financial management are very important to continue their businesses. In some situations, they need to use their creativity to be competitive in the market, and they need to have adaptability and communication skills to be sustainable in the market. If freelancers do not give attention to these skills, they can be in a situation to face difficulties.


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