Author: Michaela Resch
Date of Publication: 17/11/2022
On average, we spend more than 8 hours at work every day. This means that we spend more time with our co-workers and managers than with our friends and family members.
To most of us, work is a source of money but it also gives us a sense of purpose in life. We often build our closest social relationships at work, and sometimes a "work family" develops. Hence, when work takes such a big part of our lives, it is important to make health and well-being a priority, even in the workplace.
Why are health and well-being important at work?
Ever since the Covid pandemic affected and restricted all of us, companies have realized how important health and well-being are in the workplace. Mental health has also become more important due to the increasing number of work-related burnouts. A lot of European countries reported that a quarter of society has to deal with at least one mental health problem.
According to some statistics, the most common psychiatric disorders are depression, anxiety, and eating disorders. Given these statistics, mental health problems should be seen by companies like physical problems. This is because they can be just as (if not more) debilitating. Nowadays, more organizations are realizing the importance of setting and maintaining a great health system. They are working hard on achieving employees’ health and well-being for the benefit of the whole company.
Advantages of making health and well-being a priority in the workplace
The benefits of health awareness for your people and your company are the following:

decrease in sick days
increase in employees’ motivation and performance
better work-life balance
improved team spirit
good office atmosphere
reduction in stress levels
How to improve and maintain your employees' health and well-being
The following tips are easy to implement in a corporate health system, with a big benefit to your team and company:

launch health-days once a quarter
provide fruit baskets
cook together at lunch
offer a gym or discounts for gym sessions
free water and healthy juices at the office
discounts for yoga sessions
offer psychological support via special hotlines
host a company marathon or a step challenge
encourage regular health check-ups

To get to the point, health should be a high priority for everyone and in every company. The work environment employees experience can either boost or hinder their performance and well-being. What’s more, it is proven that organizations that provide a healthy, happy, and caring work environment are the most successful. Hence, it is your job to make sure that the health system of your company is strong and present at all times!
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Reference List
Out of the Shadows: Sustainably Improving Workplace Mental Health
Mental Health in Europe - Statistics & Facts
6 Ways Companies Can Improve Workers’ Mental Health