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How the birth of internet has revolutionized our vision of life


Updated: Apr 23, 2024

Publication date: 18.04.2024

Internet represents the greatest revolution of our time, a revolution that has forever changed the habits and lifestyle of the whole world. The world, in fact, would not have become what it is today without the invention of internet. However, despite this innovation has managed to completely shape our vision of life, it is a transformation that is still far from over, but is ready to open new scenarios, more and more fascinating.

The birth of Internet up to web 1.0.

The birth of internet has its roots in the 60s in the United States, but it is only thanks to Tim Berners-Lee that internet has managed to overcome the first years of its invention. Tim was a researcher at CERN, a Swiss nuclear research institute, and around the beginning of the 1990s (more precisely in 1993) he started the first web page, creating the first browser for websites, Nexus.


With Tim Berners, Lee created Web 1.0 characterized by a one-way communication flow: the use of Internet was therefore aimed only at consulting web pages, where the user was a passive consumer of content. The web turned out to be like a catalog to browse and the user had no chance of interaction. This will happen, as we will see later, with the birth of web 2.0.

From web 1.0 to web 2.0 and web 3.0

At the beginning of the early 2000s we moved from web 1.0 to web 2.0 thanks to the creation of a very important search engine, now a giant in the web world and used by billions of users: Google.


The transition from web 1.0 to web 2.0 also changes the function of the user within this world. At first, the users' needs were purely for information and/or commercial purposes and as a result the users had only a passive role. With the birth of web 2.0, instead,  users of the network have started to feel the need to exploit the use of the internet to feel more and more connected to each other, managing to break down the physical distances


Web 2.0 is characterized by greater interactivity and collaboration, a flow of participatory and bidirectional communication between people. As a result, users will not only find themselves browsing the different web pages, but will become real protagonists of this great flow.

Starting in 2004, the first forums and blogs began to appear, followed by the famous social networks.


The digital world continues to extend at the speed of light to what we now define as web 3.0. However, we cannot give a precise definition of web 3.0 since it is a process that is still evolving and only time will be able to reveal what will be its follow-up.

The danger of the internet

Since its inception Internet has introduced very important conveniences and improvements into our lives; however, if you look more closely, it also seems to pose a possible threat. Browsing the web pages, in fact, requires great caution.

As in real life, even on internet we can come into contact with scammers and criminals, causing harm to the person who finds himself stuck in these situations. 

It is good, then, before you begin to delve into this great world, to be careful and prevent what could be the hypothetical dangers.


Beyond the negative experiences that could be found while browsing internet, internet is always a powerful tool that has forever changed the way we come into contact with the world. It, in fact,  no longer occurs in a direct, bodily way but indirectly, through the mediation of the computer, allowing to feel united all those people who do not have the opportunity to be in contact physically.


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