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The Art of Letting Go: How to Release What's Holding You Back

New Year's is coming soon, and usually, during this time, people want to let go of the old and welcome new beginnings into their lives. But how can we do it in regular times, when there is no New Year's “magic”? It is known that to get new things in our lives, we have to make room for them. Moreover, if we are creating space for the things that we want to have in our lives and letting go of the things that no longer benefit us, we are welcoming the change. This blog post explores what the art of letting go is, what the benefits of it are, and how we can apply it to our lives.

What is the art of letting go?

The art of letting go means releasing fears and attachments that keep us stuck in habits or patterns that no longer serve us. Also, by working on ourselves and acknowledging the beliefs or fears that we want to replace with new ones, we may make changes in our lives. Usually, during this process, people can experience denial or over-investment in relationships and habits that keep them resistant to change. It may feel easier or more comfortable to hold on to things, thoughts, fears, and people because we are used to this. Besides, then we don't have to be scared of potential failure. However, when we feel that there is something better for us, it can be necessary for us to learn how to let go and be open to change.

letting go and finding peace

Why it can be difficult to let go?

When we recognise the things that no longer serve us and decide to let them go, we can start to focus on our long-term growth. Letting go may be difficult because people can feel that they are losing control over their lives. For example, when people have ended their jobs and have been unemployed for some time, they may experience stress, anxiety, or emotional exhaustion. These emotions can come from the fear of failure, which may keep them in unfulfilling circumstances. But when we start trusting life's natural flow, after some time we usually feel that everything has found its place and life is much better than it was before. Thus, it is important to release attachment to old beliefs, mistakes, fears, and toxic relationships that are limiting our personal growth and our true potential

What are the benefits of letting go?

Letting go of something heavy makes it easier for us to move forward. That's why if we let go of emotions and thoughts that have been like a burden on our shoulders, our journey becomes less complicated. Additionally, letting go welcomes new opportunities, passions, and relationships into our lives. If we look back and think about all the things we have done in our lives, we can see a lot of changes in different aspects of our lives. For instance, some people have moved to new cities and started a new curriculum or job. Therefore, if we want to have a change in our lives, we need to create space for the transformation. Thus, working on ourselves helps us to gain more self-awareness, which enables us to live more authentically and experience peace, clarity, and fulfilment.

finding peace by letting go

How can we apply it to our everyday life?

One of the most popular ways to let go of things is journaling. That is because writing helps us to explore what is going on in our inner world and ask questions that help us to find clarity. For example, we can ask “What is holding us back and why?”, “What is the root cause of this?” and “How can I support myself in this journey?”. By thinking about these questions we can dive more into subjects that are topical in our subconscious mind and find answers to our questions. The answers might not come instantly but usually, after some time, we can feel that we have found the answer. Additionally, it is suggested to focus on the present moment and become aware of our emotions. This can be done through yoga, meditation or breathing exercises. However, in case of traumas or strong negative emotions, it is important to seek professional help and keep in mind that asking for help is not a weakness, it is a strength.


To maintain growth and welcome new beginnings to our lives, we need to learn to let go. Also, by letting go of things that no longer benefit us, we can learn how to trust life's natural flow and free ourselves from fears that are keeping us in stagnation. There are different practical ways to do it in our everyday lives. For example, journaling, meditating, doing yoga, or breathing exercises. All of the mentioned activities help us to be in the present moment and gain self-awareness and clarity. During these activities, it is important to keep in mind that asking for help is a strength. Especially if a person has strong emotions that are difficult to go through alone. Therefore, the art of letting go is a way of connecting more deeply with our thoughts and emotions, which helps us to create space for new beginnings and opportunities.


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